Homeschooling Facts -Homeschooling Information

Whether you want to know how to home school or you have questions about socialization you will find the information here.

Families who choose to home educate other than at school are said to be homeschooling. This may be outworked differently in each family and country and state that homeschoolers live in.

Children tend to be taught by a family member with perhaps additional education coming from outside the family. Some families have one child who is educated at home. Other families may have 2 or more and may even have a combination of home educated children and a child in school.

The legal requirements and laws concerned with homeschooling vary from state to state and country to country and it is important to know what the law is where you live.

You can read more about this and find a link to take you to the information on our start homeschooling page.

Homeschooling is really a natural progression from you teaching your little ones from birth. After all many of our children will know the alphabet, colors, names of animals and some children may even be able to read. This is because we take the time to teach them these things often without really thinking about it. For some parents continuing to teach their children at home is natural.

You can check out our page on homeschool preschool to find out more about homeschooling preschoolers.

Parents then go on to find or create their own curriculum. Often this is based around the childs skills or individual style of learning.

Homeschooling Facts

Check out this you tube video on homeschooling families by Tim Hawkins. Our family love his sense of humor

Find out what the pros and cons of homeschooling are by chatting with other homeschool families. You can check out homeschooling forums online, and are good ones. Find a local support group who will often be helpful in supporting you and providing information, you can find these online or by checking out your local library. Some groups also get together to do trips and have other social days.

Here are some homeschooling facts that you will need to think about:

  • Homeschooling will mean that one parent is unable to work so there will be a financial cost to consider.
  • You will have to provide the resources for your child to learn; this may be curriculum, books, art supplies, stationary etc.
  • Some states require you to be qualified if you are teaching your children, you could use Online homeschooling teachers.
  • You will need to think about the time you will need to put into homeschooling. You will have your kids around 24/7 (I actually found this far more relaxing than when the kids are just around for holidays).
  • In some states you will need to provide an annual record of the child's attendance and disease immunization
  • Your child may be required to undergo a standardized test again dependant on where you live..
  • There may be yearly checks from the education department.

Homeschooling Facts

In the Uk homeschooling is better known as home education.

It is legal, section 7 of the 1996 education act says:

'The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full time education suitable a) to his age ability and aptitude, and b) any special educational needs he may have, either by attendance at a school or otherwise.'

The law in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Isles and the Isle of Man differ to that of the UK. UK law requires you to let the local authority know that you are home educating only if your child has attended school. If your child has attended school and you wish to home educate you will need to let the school know and de-register them. If your child has special needs you will need permission for them to leave school.

The Uk does not require parents to be qualified to teach their children. Nor do you have to follow the national curriculum you must however provide an education suitable to his/her age ability and aptitude, and any special educational needs he/she may have.

Legally you do not have to accept a home visit by the LA, however we always did and they went with ease. It is wise to keep some kind of record of the things that have been studied through the year.

You will find some good information about homeschooling facts at education-otherwise The Home Education Advisory Service is very useful and provides leaflets and other publications to help those who wish to educate their children at home.

As a family we do not regret homeschooling and the opportunities it has given our children. There is many an advantage of homeschooling.

Homeschooling Facts

Make sure you have checked out these pages about homeschooling:

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