
Fun and Easy Gardening Projects For Kids
Giving Time - Teaching Skills for Life

Here you will find a selection of great gardening projects for kids. Your kids will get a lot of enjoyment as well as plenty of learning experiences. You will find these activities easy to achieve with your kids.

Gardening Projects for Kids - Gift.

You will need: White Wine Vinegar, empty jars with lids, sticky labels (to label your jars), colored felt tip pens

  • Collect some small, medium size jars.
  • Wash jars out thoroughly.
  • Collect some herbs from your garden.
  • We used Pineapple Sage, Thyme and some Rosemary.
  • Ask the children to trim the herbs, then to put herbs in the bottle or bottles.
  • Help your kids to add the wine vinegar, fill to the top. Replace lids tightly.
  • Get your kids to design a label. They should write on it the name of the herbs in the bottle
  • Your youngsters can then give this as a gift

Gardening Projects - Make a Windmill

You will need: Squares of colored paper, scissors, ruler, pencil, drawing pins, straws or small sticks.

  • Get your kids to fold their paper in half once and then in half again.
  • Take a 10p piece and place in middle of square. They can draw around it.
  • Then use ruler and pencil to draw along fold lines to center circle.
  • Ask children to cut along fold lines to the circle.

  • Then they can take the outside of each triangle into the middle.
  • Help them to fix points of triangles to the straw or stick with the pin.
  • These will make great windmills outside maybe as part of a sensory garden.

Gardening Projects - Making Bird Feeders

What you will need: Pine cones, berries, popped popcorn, peanut butter,chopped apple, seeds, needle, thread.

  • Get your kids to tie string around pine cone(so that it can be hung from a tree)
  • Use knife to smother the pine cone in peanut butter.
  • Hang from a tree in your garden.
  • Thread the needle and push through the berries and popcorn. Tie a knot at one end hang from tree.
  • Thread needle and push through raisins and chopped apple. Tie a knot in end and hang from tree.
  • Encourage your kids to wait and watch for birds coming to feed.
Gardening Projects for Kids - Making an Ant Farm

You will need: A large plastic bottle (perhaps empty lemonade bottle), a glass that will fit inside bottle leaving a 4cm gap. Garden soil, sugar or cake.

  • Cut the large plastic bottle in half.
  • Get your kids to put the glass inside.
  • Get them to carefully pour or spoon the soil into the gap between bottle and glass.
  • Find some ants in your garden.
  • Collect the ants and add to soil in bottle.
  • Your children can add a small piece of cake or a little sugar.
  • Cover the jar with some muslin to stop ants escaping.
  • Your kids can watch the ants tunnelling for a few days.
  • They could keep a journal over a few days and do drawings of what they see.
  • Get the kids to return the ants back to the garden after a few days.

Kids garden game

  • Our kids love scavenger hunts. They love this one.
  • We go into garden and make a list of ten items that the kids need to find.
  • We also hide stuff for them to find.
  • For instance a stick, a stone, a piece of grass, a drawing of a piece of fruit,
  • a playdoh model of a dog. an apple, a shoelace and any other things you can think of.
  • If you have several kids you can see who can find the objects first and have a small prize for the winner

More gardening projects for kids will be added soon

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Gardening tips

Tip 1

Be creative with containers.The kids can use old toys, boots, cups and anything else they can think of to plant in.

Tip 2

Try herbs, your children will get to grow something that they can smell and taste.
Tip 3
Easy gardening projects for kids such as windmills make a colorful addition to your garden, why not use then in a sensory space.
Tip 4
Keep lolly pop sticks to make labels. Keep empty yoghurt pots and Margerine tubs for growing seeds in. Cardboard egg boxes are great for planting seeds, then when you need to plant seedlings out simply cut the egg box and plant each individual egg cup in the ground. They are biodegradable.
Tip 5
Try using sports bottles or a water spray gun so your kids can water their little seedlings and plants without drowning them. Our children love doing this, it keeps them busy for quite a while - then turns into water fun play when they have finished their job.
Tip 6
Keep it fun, resist doing it for your children. They learn best when they are having fun.

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