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Pets for Kids - Best Pets for Kids
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Pets for Kids - essential reality checker, kids and pets tips from our RSPCA officer
    This pets for kids article is about essential reality checks .
  • So a pet is going to join your family
  • Pets are great if you have a child who is gentle and sensitive and likes animals.
  • A child can be taught how to handle, train and care for their pet.
  • Where do you start?
  • First thing to consider is the age of your child and any allergies they may have.
  • Some children are allergic to the hair on animals such as dogs, cats and guinea pigs.
If you have a young child you will need to supervise their interaction with the pet of your choice.
  • The main thing when choosing a pet for kids is to take into account how long they are likely to live.
  • Pets such as a dog can live for longer than 15 years.
  • Will you want to care for a pet for that long.
  • If your child is already a teenager there is little doubt that you will need to care for the pet once your teen has left home.

  • Cost of keeping pets for kids.
  • If you have older kids are they going to contribute towards the keep of their pet?
  • If so how much are they going to give.
  • Have an agreement first before buying the pet. Agree how much your kids should give of their pocket money for their pets keep
  • A pet can be bought relatively cheaply but these things need to be taken into consideration also:
  • The cage setup(can be very expensive if you buy the largest cages you can for your pet.)
  • Food bowls and water drip feeders.
  • Toys
  • Bedding.
  • Food
  • Collar and lead for dogs
  • veterinary costs
  • Insurance
  • Holiday Care
  • Even for a small pet veterinary fees can be very big if your pet has a chronic illness or needs an operation.

  • Space is another vital thing to consider.
  • Pets such as ferrets, guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits need very large cages and runs.
  • Do you have the space for this.
  • Will these pets live indoors or outside.
  • Dogs generally need a large garden and space to run around.

  • Do you have enough time to give to a pet for kids?
  • Even a pet in a cage needs floor time and handling for around 2 hours a day.
  • They also need cleaning out
  • This needs to be at least once a week, sometimes twice a week. Some cages need tidying every day.
  • Who is going to do this your kids or you.
  • Geoff and I can spend around half an hour a day sorting out cages and food for the parrot, dog, guinea pigs and corn snake
  • A dog needs a lot of attention as well as at least one good walk a day.
  • And who is going to clean up the pooh?
  • When you go away who will care for your pets.
  • Do you have friendly friends and family who will care for your pets while you are on holiday?
  • If you need to pay for pet care this can be very expensive.

  • Pets for kids safety.
  • You need to consider your kids safety .
  • Some pets may bite if they are scared or in pain.
  • A dog should never be left with children as even the most faithful can turn if in pain or scared.
  • You need to ensure visitors are safe if you have a dog. you can be sued if your dog bites someone.
  • Your home will need to be pet safe if your pets have free time out of the cage.
  • Make sure electrical leads are tucked away and cannot be chewed
  • Move toxic plants out of harms way.
  • Most pets love chocolate but it is not safe for them to eat so hide it away.
  • Small pets can squeeze through tiny spaces in floors and walls.
  • If your kids are in and out of your front door leaving it open will your dog escape (we use a stairgate to prevent this)
  • Put lids down on toilets and watch your bath is not full of water(to prevent your pet drowning)

  • If you have a pet such as a dog will your family and friends still visit.
  • Is auntie Flo allergic to pets fur?
  • Will your dog's barking annoy your friendly neighbours?
  • Will the smell or noise of your pet get on your families nerves?

  • The loss of a pet for kids.
  • Most children will be upset over the loss of a much loved pet.
  • Try to be as truthful with the kids as you can be.
  • If your pet is ill then let your kids know.
  • Prepare them in advance if you can.
  • My kids chose to be there when their much loved sheltie dog was put to sleep.
  • My son kept some of her hair.
  • This allowed them to say goodbye and grieve.
  • Grieving is a healthy part of loss.
  • Kids need to be allowed to grieve and talk about their loss.
  • When they are ready talk about replacing the pet if you can (even with another type of pet).
  • Your child may even demand this. that is because they are bargaining to get back something they have lost.
  • If another pet is not possible look at what kind of things having a pet meant to your child.
  • For instance did a pet give your child a sense of self esteem.
  • If so can you find a way that they can get self esteem back in another way.
  • Did your kids pet give your child a sense of worth if so try to find another way to do this.
  • Perhaps helping a neighbour or you giving your child a responsible job to do would help.
  • Try to break down the loss of the pet into much smaller hidden losses so that you can help your child to work this through.
  • If you have any questions about this use the contact form at the bottom of the about us page and I'll respond.
  • Or check out
  • If this is successful they will have learnt a valuable lesson in dealing with the losses we suffer every day.

  • For the most part there are more good points to having pets pets for kids than bad.
  • They can be good fun and part of family life.
  • Our pets bring us a lot of joy.

  • Our RSPCA Officer Jim Farr gives this advice.
  • Remember that pets for kids are not just for christmas.
  • You will need to check your pets over regularly for sores or cuts.
  • If your pet changes it's usual routine or it's behavior then it may be ill.
  • If you think your pet is ill he says "it is your duty to take it to a veterinary surgery".
  • Some illnesses can be fatal so don't leave your pet in pain.
  • Check for overgrown nails and teeth that will cause your pet problems.

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