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Grumpy teenage daughter

by Bernard

Am I the only Dad in the world who has a grumpy teenage daughter, she acts all demure when our other friends come round, but all I get is a grunt or humph or some such similar sound.
Does this happen in nature.....does the equivalent happen in baboon families for instance?

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Grumpy teenage daughter
by: Lesley -

Hello Bernard,
You don't say how old your daughter is but there are many reasons why teens can be grumpy.
1. Their hormones are all over the place as their bodies mature.
2. They are growing into young adults and don't relate the same to us parents as they did as children.
3. They don't relate as easily to parents as they do to the friends around them.
4. They don't get enough sleep, most teens need ten hours of sleep a night but rarely get this.
5. Peer pressure, being with certain teens may have a big impact as some teens relate more to peers than to parents.

My older teens tell me that they and all their friends want to rebel, part of this seems to be that they think their parents don't trust them (ie. if we ask how was your day? or where are you going?)

They also say that after a day in school they just wanted time to be alone to chill and that they would then chat in their own time.
They also felt we could not relate to them and had no recollection of our own teen years.

My advice would be to spent some one on one time doing something your daughter enjoys, try to find different ways to connect with her, but then relax, be yourself, be supportive and remain loving and she will come round.

I hope this helps if you need any more help please ask.


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