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Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Results

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")); return; } incorrectAnswer=answer;quiz(); if (answ==0){ location.reload(); } else{ change1=answer; change1 = trimString(change1); change=change1.toUpperCase(); answer=change; change1 = ans[question]; change1 = trimString(change1); change=change1.toUpperCase(); if (change !="" && PMatching==1){ answer=(answer+" "); change=(change+" "); loc=answer.indexOf(change); if (loc !=-1){ change=answer; } } var tester= trimString(answer).indexOf(trimString(change)); if (answer !=change && tester==-1) { if (!done[question]) { done[question]=-1; if (SCORM==true){ SetScormScore(answer,change,question); } makeFalse(question); } else { alert(decodeIT(lang1)); } } else { if (!done[question]) { done[question]=-1; score++; if (SCORM==true){ SetScormScore(answer,change,question); } makeTrue(question); } else { alert(decodeIT(lang1)); } } } } function display() { for (i=1; i < question+1; i++) { zahl=parseInt(i); zahl=(i); if (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && tic[i]=="r"){ window.status=object[i].mess; document[zahl].src=object[i].simg.src;} else{ if (tic[i]=="r"){ window.status=object[i].mess; document[zahl].src=object[i].simg.src; } else{ if (tic[i]=="w"){ window.status=object[i].mess; document[zahl].src=object[i].rimg.src; } } } } if (PassCent != 0){ per=(totaltried-totalincorrect)/question*100; per=Math.round(per) if (per < PassCent){ alert("I'm sorry, but you have not passed the test!"); return } if (Critical != 0){ alert("I'm sorry, but you have not passed the test!"); return } per=Math.round(per)+"%"; alert("Your percentage correct is: "+ per + ". You have passed your test!"); return; } var half; half=(question/2); if (score==question) { alert(decodeIT(lang2)); } else if (score==0) { alert(decodeIT(lang3)); } else if ((score < half) && (score!=0)) { alert(decodeIT(lang4) +" " + score + " " +decodeIT(lang6));} else if ((score >=half) && (score!=50)) { alert(decodeIT(lang5) + " " + score + " " + decodeIT(lang6));} } function reloadIt() { location.reload();} function TTM() { var mop = 0; mop = history.length; if (mop == 0){ alert(decodeIT("The Task Manager is not running. You must start the Task manager before you load the first quiz!")); } history.back(); } var ans=new Array; var hints=new Array; var crit=new Array; crit[1] ="0";crit[2] ="0";crit[3] ="0";crit[4] ="0";crit[5] ="0";crit[6] ="0";crit[7] ="0";crit[8] ="0";crit[9] ="0";crit[10] ="0";crit[11] ="0";crit[12] ="0";crit[13] ="0";crit[14] ="0";crit[15] ="0";crit[16] ="0";crit[17] ="0";crit[18] ="0";crit[19] ="0";crit[20] ="0";crit[21] ="0";crit[22] ="0";crit[23] ="0";hints[1] ="";hints[2] ="";hints[3] ="";hints[4] ="";hints[5] ="";hints[6] ="";hints[7] ="";hints[8] ="";hints[9] ="";hints[10] ="";hints[11] ="";hints[12] ="";hints[13] ="";hints[14] ="";hints[15] ="";hints[16] ="";hints[17] ="";hints[18] ="";hints[19] ="";hints[20] ="";hints[21] ="";hints[22] ="";hints[23] =""; ans[1] ="a";ans[2] ="a";ans[3] ="a";ans[4] ="b";ans[5] ="b";ans[6] ="b";ans[7] ="a";ans[8] ="c";ans[9] ="c";ans[10] ="b";ans[11] ="b";ans[12] ="b";ans[13] ="d";ans[14] ="d";ans[15] ="c";ans[16] ="a";ans[17] ="c";ans[18] ="c";ans[19] ="d";ans[20] ="d";ans[21] ="b";ans[22] ="b";ans[23] ="a"; function right(e) { if (navigator.appName=='Netscape' && (e.which==3 || e.which==2)) return false; else if (navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (event.button==2 || event.button==3)) { alert(decodeIT("Sorry, but this option is not available in this quiz!")); return false; } return true; } document.onmousedown=right; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown=right; //************************************** // **************************** // Block backspace onKeyDown************ // *************************** function onKeyDown() { if (FULL!==0){ if ( (event.altKey) || ((event.keyCode==8) && (event.srcElement.type !="text" && event.srcElement.type !="textarea" && event.srcElement.type !="password")) || ((event.ctrlKey) && ((event.keyCode==78) || (event.keyCode==82)) ) || (event.keyCode==116) ) { event.keyCode=0; event.returnValue=false; if (window.opener !=null && FULL!==0 && !NS4) { window.opener.blur(); msgWindow.focus(); } } } } setTimeout('StatusQuo()',1000);

Country versus Language Quiz Answers

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1. What is the main language spoken in Egypt?


A) Arabic
2. What is the main language spoken in France?


A) French
3. Turkey mainly speaks which language?


A) Turkish
4. What language is mainly spoken in Norway?


B) Norwegian
5. What do the people mainly speak in Iran?


B) Persian
6. In the Bahamas they mainly speak what?


B) English
7. What is the main language spoken in Portugal?


A) Portugese
8. In China they mainly speak what?


C) Chinese
9. What is the main language spoken in Poland?


C) Polish
10. Spain mainly speaks which language?


B) Spanish
11. What is the main language spoken in Slovakia?


B) Slovak
12. What is the main language spoken in Russia?


B) Russian
13. Tajikistan mainly speaks which language?


D) Tajik
14. What is the main language spoken in Germany?


D) German
15. What language is mainly spoken in Italy?


C) Italian
16. Thailand mainly speaks which language?


A) Thai
17. What do the people mainly speak in Iceland?


C) Icelandic
18. In Denmark they mainly speak what?


C) Danish
19. What do the people mainly speak in Israel?


D) Hebrew
20. Sweden mainly speaks which language?


D) Swedish
21. What language is mainly spoken in the Netherlands?


B) Dutch
22. What is the main language spoken in Greece?


B) Greek
23. What language is mainly spoken in Japan?


A) Japanese
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